
Birthday fun!

I'm on vacation this week, and yesterday it was my birthday. So we decided to have a beach day. It was the first time we went to the beach this year, and we decided to go to Vero. It's about a 2-hour drive from us. 

We stopped the car in the middle, just so I could get a picture of the middle Florida where there's just trees, fields and lonely ranches with their cows. 

The next stop was at a random little park we found when we were looking for a place to eat. 

Luckily we found a nice place.. they have great sea food. I had a grilled grouper sandwich. 

 The next 3 hours were spent at the beach. The waves were pretty big and the water super salty. We both put on sun screen but I guess we should have added more since we both burnt our backs and I burnt my nose.

On our way back we stopped at the mall and as we were driving back saw some thunder and lightning in the distance. When we got to our house it was raining. 

What a fun day! I don't mind getting older at all!

1 comment:

  1. Nyt sitä kannattaakin nauttia biitsi päivistä kun tänne tulette niin on sitten jo syksy alkamassa :) Tosin se on varmaan tervetullutta vaihtelua. Toivottavasti oli hauska synttäriviikko!!
