

Going on Mid February. This year is going by fast too. I like it. 

Here is my delicious salmon pie from Thursday night. It had gorgonzola cheese in it. Nam!

And here is an update on a blanket I started ages ago.. I'm working on it so slow, I have no idea when it will be ready. I don't think I'll make it that much bigger either because then it will never be ready. The plan is to make a flower in the middle of each square. 

Otherwise, it's been a sloooow weekend due to both me and Chris having a cold. He got it a few days earlier than me, and is almost over it. I am still in the middle of it, so I really hope I can make it to work tomorrow. I don't want to miss any time at all because that would affect my dependability, and I am trying to change into a day shift sometime in March, and to do it I need good numbers and dependability. 

It's also been rainy the last few days. I bought sunflower seeds wanting to plant them this weekend, but looks I'll need to wait for the next one. 

Here is one more picture from earlier this week. I snapped it from our fast moving car so I was happy I even managed to get it. I wanted to get a picture of that yellow tree, it's so pretty. Those trees are in bloom all over the place right now, as well as the Japanese Cherry Blossoms.. they are so pretty, I can't believe all that yellow is flowers!!

One more thing, this is a response to Paivi's comment in my previous post, since for some reason this stupid blog doesn't let me write any comments at all right now. Anyways, Paivi, enjoy the spinach soup and have some ready for me next time I visit!! And hang in there with that big belly! :D Hope the babby comes out soon!


  1. Nam! Sustahan on kehittyny kunnon gourmeekokki siellä asustellessa:) Saat kokata meille sitten kun ootte täällä!:)

  2. Joo kokkaan, mutta sa saat kylla kanssa laittaa mulle sitte kanapastaa ja fetasalaattia! :D

  3. Osaatko muuten yhdistellä noita neliöitä? Oon tekemässä itselleni takkia ja palat on valmiina, nyt ne pitäis saada kauniisti yhteen :D -Päivi
