
New projects

It is late and it has been a long day, so I will keep the words short. Basically, I started up two new projects today, first one with the neglected garden and the second with some furniture. Both are still only halfway finished so there will be some more updates in the future, but I got a few pictures taken of the progress. Also I have some other pictures from this past week so lets just let the pictures tell the story.

So, the garden didn't get done yet, but that's because it got dark and I had to go in. As for the painting of the little night stand, I got it primed and then I put one coat of paint.. tomorrow I'll do another coat.  

And if anybody is wondering, I don't know why the lettuce is turning into trees.. that's just weird!

Off to bed I go.


  1. hei Elli. what kind of paint did You use for the nightstand? tosi hieno lopputulos... :) t Hanna

  2. Heippa Hanna ja kiitos! Kaytin kahta erilaista, molemmat oli tarkotettu sisatiloihin,eli siis vaikka seiniin ja muuhun. Eli eka oli semmonen taysin perus pohjamaali mika oli oljypohjainen, primer in English, mika siis teki siita pinnasta tarttuvan etta se varsinainen maali tarttuis. Ja sitten se varsinainen maali oli valkosta latex maalia, milla tuli "eggshell" pinta eli siis pikkusen kiiltava muttei kuitenkaan ihan tosi. Oisin voinut laittaa viela kerroksen jotain semmosta lapinakyvaa kuulloketta mutta en viittinyt ostaa kun ei se joudu niin kovalle kulutukselle. Jos sita katsoo lahelta niin huomaan vahan pensselinvetoja joissain kohissa niin ei oo ihan ammattimainen, haha, mutta tuli kylla mustakin kivan nakonen!
