
Well, it is almost the end of the month and then it's Christmas month! Time goes by so fast, it's crazy.

Tonight it's pretty cold outside or at least compared to what it's been like in the last few weeks.. I wonder if we're getting a cold December. It would be nice but at the same time I don't want it to get too cold because it might kill my plants. And I don't want to kill my cucumbers. They are growing, and soon I will have more than I will know what to do with. I'm planning on having the first ones this coming weekend.

We had a food day at work today and everybody brought something. It was so good! I made an apple pie but I was out of both vanilla sugar and cinnamon so it was missing a little flavor. I'm doing really good at work, we have all kinds of different goals to meet monthly and looks like this month I'll get some really good ratings. I know it doesn't really matter in the long run since we're moving out the country next year and all that, but I like when I get good numbers, kind of like getting a good grade in school. Plus, if my ratings are good I may get a better schedule next year.

Our plans are still a little open because getting my citizenship is gonna be a long process, but we are still looking at late spring or early summer for the move. I'm most of all worried about getting our cats over, they will not like the plane trip. But I'm not leaving them behind because I'm sure they will rather suffer one day of flying instead of living the rest of their lives with some stranger who will probably not take care of them like they should be taken car of. Talking about cats, I've gotten myself into trouble by befriending some alley cats, and I hope they'll be okay when we move. They don't belong to anybody, they just live in the neighborhood, and I think there's probably other people who are feeding them too.


How do you resist these faces??

We went to Walmart a week ago and I accidentally found the best cheese ever. It is so much tastier than the other cheese they sell here in the US. Now I will have a reason to go to Walmart every now and then since I otherwise almost never shop there.  Here it is:

Ha! It is straight from Finland! No wonder it tastes superior!

We also tried to go to a park we never been to before last weekend, but it was really a fail because we were eaten alive by mosquitos. It was pretty though and we'll go back if it gets colder. 

I got a few pictures before we ran out of there. 

That's it. I will post pictures of the first cucumber we'll eat this weekend, so stay tuned!

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