
Busy, busy with cat drama!

I guess it's been almost a month that I wrote anything. It's been busy with the kittens around so that's my excuse!

There is a lot of work having six cats in the house. Yes, six! There's the two originals, Neko and Sammy, then the newcomer, Pulla, and her three kittens. Just providing food, water and three litter boxes(!) takes time and energy, but then you gotta try to spend some time with all of them, especially with the kittens so they grow into responsible and social cats. It's been stressfull too, because Neko and Sammy don't get along with Pulla and there is a lot of hissing and growling going on several times a day.. :/

The kittens are almost 5 weeks old, so we are looking into giving them away in the beginning of June as long as they are well trained and independent. One of them has been reserved already, and there's been some interest for the other two as well, and I am waiting for confirmation on both of them. But then we gotta find a place for Pulla too, we can't keep her with our move getting closer, and I have no idea what to do.

We are very seriously wanting to make September the moving month. It's a lot later than we wanted, but we are trying to pay off all the credit card debt before the move, and even then it will be a tight schedule. We just got our tax returns for last year, so that helped a lot getting one of the higher interest cards down. We don't have crazy amounts of debt like most Americans - our credit cards have been used mainly to buy flights to Finland in the past. We hate having to use them, and hate the American concept of getting into huge amounts of debt to go through school. That is one of the biggest reasons why we feel there is not really a future for us here..

Anyway, September could be the time to move on, finally. To be honest, I don't think there's ever going to be a perfect time, but we need to make the leap at some point. I am trying to find out about finding jobs and apartments in Finland, but it's hard to do  from here. I'm gonna be keeping my eyes open and send some job applications in a few moths and if nothing comes back, I'll just have to get there and I'm sure I'll get something pretty fast.

It's weird that I am actually a lot more nervous moving back to Finland than I was four years ago moving here. I came with two suitcases and that's it. But Chris already had a job and a place for us to live here, so that made it easier. This time we are both going and starting all over. Plus Chris will have to get used to a completely different society and language. I know he will enjoy the challenge and I know his personality will be a better fit over there, but I know it will not be easy! That's why I'm hoping he'll find a school program in English pretty fast to give him some direction on the new life. 

I have my citizenship exam next week so I should study a little. The questions are actually pretty easy so I'm not too worried about it.  

The weather's been hot lately, and it's hard to believe it can still get a lot hotter, which it will in the next month. I haven't spent time out that much at all anymore. I step out to water the peppers and then I run back in all sweaty. But the peppers have ripened nicely and we've already eaten several. They are delicious. 

Time to check on the kitties and clean the litter box. :P Like I said, been busy lately!


  1. Suloisia noi kisut!! etenkin toi yksi on tosi kauniin värinen ja ihana merkki otsassa :) Varmaan aika stressaavaa tulee olemaan muuttokuviot. Meilläkin vähän sama. Aateltiin muuttaa eka vuokralle espooseen, Mikko jää koti-isäksi, mä menen töihin. Sitten Mikko etsii töitä ja keväällä lapset menis hoitoon, haetaan uusi laina ja etsitään kämppä sieltä päin huhhuh kuulostaa jo valmiiksi siltä että järkkäilyjä pitää tehdä. No mut sellasta se on :) Kyllä mä uskon että ainakin jotain työtä saat ja vaikka aluksi olisi "ei niin kiva"-työ niin samalla voi sitten etsiä sitä parempaa. Kunhan vaan rahaa tulee jostain ;) Kämppiähän kannattaa myös fb:ssä huudella, joskus jollain tutun tutulla olis kämppä tarjolla muutamaksi kuukaudeksi jos itse on ulkomailla tms. Se voisi olla kätevä keino tulla kun olisi kalustettu kämppä valmiina :) -Päivi

  2. Nyt muuten huomasin, että tolla taempana olevalla on ihan kuin M otsassa. on tuolla toisellakin vähän sen tyylinen.. mutta toi toinen on tosi selvä :D -Päivi

  3. Kiva kuulla etta te ootte muuttamassa Espooseen pain! Nahdaan sitten varmaan useemmin kun me ei kuitenkaan mitaan autoa hankita. Ja joo, eikohan kaikki jarjesty, on vaan niin paljon suunniteltavaa etta vahan stressaa. Pitaisi taalla nyt ennenkaikkea loytaa kisuille kodit. Haluttais tulla vaan Nekon kanssa mutta kai ainakin Sammy lahtee kans matkaan tata menoa. Ja sit pitaa saada meian tavarat sinne tai ainakin osa. Kai tasta alkaa pikkuhiljaa alkaa muuttopuuhiin!
