
Tuesday off.

I started my new schedule on Sunday. Yes, I am still working Sundays, but otherwise it is a lot nicer schedule. Sundays I work 9:00am to 7:30pm, Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays 8-6:30. So I am getting Tuesday, Friday and Saturday off. Today is my first Tuesday off and it feels nice to have a break in the middle of the week.

 It was amazing to get off work yesterday when it was still day light, and it's been really good to wake up early as well. I left to work yesterday and the sun was just about to rise from behind the lake I was driving by. There was this orange glow and the whole air around looked all purple. There was people walking around the lake like there always is. It was so pretty.

This morning, even though it was my day off, I got up before 7 so I don't get off the sleep rhythm. It's been a beautiful  morning, I sat outside for the longest time as the sun was getting up, sipping my coffee and enjoying the company of my cats Sammy and Pulla. The air was nice and cool, just like a summer morning in Finland. It's gonna be a pretty hot day though, so sitting in the direct sun during the day is not in my plans. 

So far the weather's still been pretty pleasant. It's getting really hot, but the humidity hasn't been too bad. I know it will get humid sometime in April and it will be unbearable to be outside during the daytime. We've already gotten a few thunderstorms, and soon they will be here every day. I don't like the storms, they scare me, especially since I'm always thinking there's gonna be tornadoes. There was one right next to my work building exactly a year ago. I know it because I started working there a week after that and that's what everybody was talking about. Nobody got injured but it flipped over some small planes in the airport next to it. Tornadoes are actually rare in Florida, so I shouldn't bee too worried. It would be much worse if we lived in Tennessee or Kansas or somewhere else in the middle. They get them all the time.

A funny thing by the way, since I moved here, I get a dream every now and then that I'm surrounded by tornadoes. They are usually in the distance and there's always several of them, and I'm trying to decide where to go to shelter myself. It's not a nice dream, it's a scary one, but the funny thing is that I never had dreams like that in Finland, because I never even thought about tornadoes over there. Now I have that dream all the time, and often in the dream I'm actually in Finland. I asked Chris and he has the same kind of a dream every now and then too. So it must be one of the things being an American, having a tornado dream.

Talking about being an American, I am getting some fingerprints and photos done next week for my citizenship. I don't know when the actual interview is yet, the letter I got was for next week's appointment. I'm not worried about it, just want to get it out of the way, that's all. I guess later on this year I'll be able to vote for the next president. That is if I want to. I really don't care much for politics, especially the black and white ways people look at things here.

Anyway, here is some more pictures of the current state of the backyard. I haven't added anything new in a while and the leaf blowers / maintenance people have really put an effort in covering all my plants in leaves, so it is what it is.

My sunflower.. hope it grows big.

Most of the tomatoes have been eaten, and seems that the plants won't be making that many more. 

The tree above and under is a crape myrtle. The one under was cut because our neighbor told us they need to be cut down for new blooms. We left the other one almost untouched and we'll be comparing in a few months to see which one is blooming more. 

We haven't had any peppers yet, but looks like they will be ready soon. 

I haven't decided what to do the rest of the day. I have cleaning to do but I'm trying to avoid it. I guess I should eat at some point too.. And maybe I'll work on my painting I started a few weeks ago. 

Here is a video of Pulla I took this morning. I still think she is about to have kittens soon. It's a little hard to tell because her hair is so long, but when I feel her belly, it's huge. That's it for now. Enjoy the video. 

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