
Backyard - meet my plants and my outside cat!

So you have met Pulla. He/she is a very cute little kitty with a loud voice and a need for pettings. S/he had several sisters and brothers before but they all disappeared a while back. 

Here's a tree we see from the end of our yard.. pink!

Our inside cats Neko and Sammy. They are not allowed outside. 

Pulla is allowed inside but he doesn't like it there. Neko and Sammy are not friendly toward her. 

MIAAAAUUU!!!! Pet me!! (I literally stepped out the door and Pulla was there)

The yard is getting somewhat better. I planted some sunflowers today so I am excited to see if they grow. 



Going on Mid February. This year is going by fast too. I like it. 

Here is my delicious salmon pie from Thursday night. It had gorgonzola cheese in it. Nam!

And here is an update on a blanket I started ages ago.. I'm working on it so slow, I have no idea when it will be ready. I don't think I'll make it that much bigger either because then it will never be ready. The plan is to make a flower in the middle of each square. 

Otherwise, it's been a sloooow weekend due to both me and Chris having a cold. He got it a few days earlier than me, and is almost over it. I am still in the middle of it, so I really hope I can make it to work tomorrow. I don't want to miss any time at all because that would affect my dependability, and I am trying to change into a day shift sometime in March, and to do it I need good numbers and dependability. 

It's also been rainy the last few days. I bought sunflower seeds wanting to plant them this weekend, but looks I'll need to wait for the next one. 

Here is one more picture from earlier this week. I snapped it from our fast moving car so I was happy I even managed to get it. I wanted to get a picture of that yellow tree, it's so pretty. Those trees are in bloom all over the place right now, as well as the Japanese Cherry Blossoms.. they are so pretty, I can't believe all that yellow is flowers!!

One more thing, this is a response to Paivi's comment in my previous post, since for some reason this stupid blog doesn't let me write any comments at all right now. Anyways, Paivi, enjoy the spinach soup and have some ready for me next time I visit!! And hang in there with that big belly! :D Hope the babby comes out soon!


Salad and roast.

I know I just posted a 100 pictures from the past weekend,  but there is few more wanted to share. They are from our dinner on Saturday. :D

All this provided by my garden. There is a lot more tomatoes growing, just waiting for them all to turn red. 

This meal may look very ordinary, but I was so proud of it because it was the first time I ever cooked a roast that was really well cooked, easy to cut and delicious. I have had the hardest time with it before. 

That's all for now!

Gator Creek Park

Well, today was Valentine's Day and all, but since it's in the middle of the week, we didn't do anything. But Chris got me some chocolates with my coffee, so I was a happy girl.

Last Sunday was the nicest day of the year so far, it got down to the 50's during the day and even colder at night. For the people who use celcius, it was about 10-15'C that day. It was definitely the coldest day we have had all winter, and I was so happy I had it off. We went to the park we tried a few months ago that we couldn't stay at because of the mosquitoes. This time there was no mosquitoes in there, and we had a great walk. So here's pictures from that pretty day!

Goofy Chris. :P

I know I live in Florida and I am pale.. It is a choice, I don't want to look like a raisin by the time I am 30. :D

The park is called Gator Creek Park, I think. This creek was were the name came from. I don't know where the water went, and the gators were not around either. 

That was a lot of pictures, but more is better than less, right!

I had such a good time.. when we left I wondered if we will ever go back there. It is a pretty park but it only works on a few days in a year when it's cold. 


Night time pictures. And I am so happy this week is over.

Work this week wasn't bad, but I was seriously tired because I got very little sleep on most of the nights. Some of it was caused by some cat drama and some of it by people knocking on our windows at 7:00am when I had gone to bed at 2:00, and some of it just because I had too much coffee after getting home from work every night. The time that I did get to sleep, I dreamed of getting stuck in an unusually small elevator or being chased by a super tornado that covered one fourth of the whole sky and  had flames and rocks shooting out of it.

So I took it pretty easy today. I'm taking Sunday off work too, so it's an extra long weekend, whoo!

Here is some pictures from tonight, a little after sunset. They are blurry because our camera is very basic. The fire is proof that even rest of the Christmas tree is gone now. It was a very merry fire!


Thursday Thoughts.

I am really tired, just trying to wake up with this coffee. I'be been up for hours of course, but I still don't feel awake. I saw a doctor on Monday to see if he can do something about the constant ear pressure that's been bothering me a few years already. All he said is that I have some fluid behind my ear drums and my ear canal is smaller than average, and he wrote me a referral to an ear specialist. I haven't called them yet because I'm kind of intimidated with the whole health care system here. The doctor's handwriting on the paper is impossible to read, so the only thing I understand is a phone number, it doesn't have the doctor's name I'm supposed to see or the address for where his office is. Why does it have to be so complicated? Just getting the doctor's appointment last Monday was hard enough because you have to be signed up with a doctor before you can get an appointment anywhere. There is no health centers anywhere, all the doctor's have their own offices. I have health insurance for me and Chris through my job and considered that they take 300 from my pay check for it every month, and my employer pays about 900 more outside of the pay check, you would think that I could get pretty amazing health services here.


Here is the night stand I painted last weekend.. I think the white color made it a little more modern looking, although the handles are still needing an update. I may change them if I find other handles somewhere, but I may just leave it like that and not bother since it's not long term furniture.

The kitties today. 

I am not trying to be America negative in this blog, but the truth is that I have more complaints than admiration for this place. At least Florida. This is a great place for a tourist to visit, but to live in, no. The weather is awful most of the year, the people are trashy, boring and stupid (not all, but most), and there is nothing to do unless you count eating out in various different chain restaurants. I am ready to get out, and the funny thing is that, Chris, the Floridian of us, is even more ready.

All that to say, we are still happy. But that's because we are for the most part separating ourselves from the society around us, and just concentrating in our own little circle. That's why I'm posting pictures about my little garden projects and our occasional trips to the beach.. that's what keeps us alive right now. I know some of the people I work with think I am stuck up and think I am better than them because I'm not from here, just because I do my work and don't constantly run my mouth with them. I don't, but I do think the topics they talk about are boring, and very very self centered. 

So why are we even waiting for my citizenship if we are planning on moving out? A few reasons. We have spent a lot of money in my visas and green card and if we leave now I will loose it. If we ever want to come back, we have to go through all the paper war again with the government, just to get me in. Would we move back.. Florida unlikely, but there is some nicer places in this country too, like Seattle, and you never know what the future holds. And we will obviously travel back every now and then because Chris's family is here, and if I move out before getting a citizenship, I can't travel back for a vacation without getting a visa every time. I wouldn't be able to do the visa waiver program as a previous green card holder. So that's the main reasons. 

Anyway, here is some happy cherry tomatoes!