

We officially have a little over a month left in the US. The last minute preparations are in almost full force, and although it is a lot, we are managing okay. I've had to learn to not stress like crazy about everything I still need to do but just take it a day at a time - be it at work just trying to get through the day, or at home packing, calling the vet for the cats or filling out all the passport documents and all the other things on the to do list.

Chris got the same days off as me for the whole month of August, and in addition, I have a couple of vacation days I am still taking this month. I'm trying to use them because if I don't, I will just lose them when I leave. I'll be giving my two-week notice end of this month. Until then, nobody at works knows about our plans.

Moving madness starting - end of July

I sold a couple of things on Craigslist this weekend, and actually made a little bit of money.. it was some outside chairs, an office chair, lamps, a picture and the little nightstand I had painted earlier in the year. I will try to post on Craigslist again next weekend and hopefully sell a couple of more things. It helps us empty the house too when people come and get things. We've taken a lot of small things to Goodwill as well.. we just don't have the time to do a yard sale to sell all the little knick-knacks for a couple of dollars each.

Our landlord already chose the next tenants that are taking over, and in two weeks we'll be pretty much out the house. I'll just come back to clean everything so that we hopefully get most our deposit back. We are going to Chris's mom's for the rest of the time.

I've been searching tips on selling our car and hopefully that will be something we can get done in a couple of days once the time comes.

I've also filled a couple of job applications that I sent to Finland, but I'm not too worried about finding a job until we get there.. I'm pretty sure I can always find at least temporary work real quickly over there.

I guess the biggest stress that we are still dealing with, is trying to find homes for Pulla and Mikey.. Nobody in the friends or family wants them; I've asked people at work and I've posted adds on Craigslist. Nobody wants them, and it's sad because they are great cats. We have maybe a week, maybe a little more, and the final option will be to take them to the local SPCA, where they may be rehomed, or they may not...

I can't blame anybody specifically, but I gotta say that the amount of stray animals in this country is very telling on how people treat animals. Some people at work who I asked if they knew anybody who wanted a cat were downright cruel on what they said I should do with them.. it makes me mad and sad at the same time.

This may be my last posting before the move - we'll see. New adventures are definitely around the corner now.