

Pulla's kittens were born on April 2nd, and today they are 12 days old. There is three of them and they are cute as can be.

They were born on a Monday morning. The first one must have born before 6, since I woke up to a faint miau sound at 5:57 somewhere close to my bed. I laid still a few minutes, and then turned on the light. I saw some water on the floor but no cats anywhere. I got up to clean the water and then saw Pulla in the closet, licking at something. Only then I realized what was going on. She was not a boy, that was clear.

I stayed home a few extra hours before going to work to make sure she and the kitties were gonna be okay. Luckily she didn't need any help other than just some soft pettings to help her feel more at ease. Poor thing was in pain and she kept looking at me with her big eyes all round. It was pretty intense because after she had the second one I thought after a little while that the kitten was dead because it was just laying on it's back all still and I touched it and it didn't move at all. But it was alive I found out a little later, and then Pulla had one more. So she had three in total. I hated to have to go to work, but when it was around nine am and she didn't look like there would be more kitties coming, I had to go.

I was happy to come home that night, with all the kittens in the nest, and Pulla looking happy as well.

This kitty is taking a break from all those hungry babies!
Sometime during the next few days Pulla decided to move them into a different spot in the closet. The first week they were pretty much just sleeping and eating. Pulla was very patient with letting me look at them and touch them.

After the first week, their eyes started opening slowly. Now, at almost two weeks they are awake a little more and they are learning to stand on their feet to walk a little. You can start telling some of their personalities already. The grey one is the one that is constantly eating or sleeping while the other two are a little more active. They have all grown a lot but the grey one is easily the biggest of them now. The black/dark one is very friendly and likes to say hi to me. And the white spotted one, the only girl out of them, was the one that started purring at only a few days old, and she seems to be always purring for the smallest reasons. 

The picture is blurry but you can't miss how cute they are!
Now we gotta figure out where to find homes for them. I know somebody at work who might be interested, and the good thing is that we've got several weeks before they'll be ready to leave their momma. 

In other news, I got my fingerprinting done, and I will have my interview and the civics and American history test on May 16th. I have to know answers to a 100 questions. After I pass that, I'll be taking my oath probably sometime in June. 

That's it for now! Miau!